Governance for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB)
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) is a new statutory organisation, established in July 2022. It builds on the successful work carried out by the health and care organisations within our Integrated Care System.
The ICB is led by our Chair, John O’Brien, and our Chief Executive, Jan Thomas. Its role is to join up health and care services, improve people’s health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. The ICB oversees how money is spent and make sure that health services work well and are of high quality.
Executive lead roles within NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
The ICB has a responsibility to identify executive leads who have explicit responsibility for the population groups and functions below:
- Children and young people (aged 0-25-): Carol Anderson
- Children and young people with SEND (aged 0-25): Carol Anderson
- Safeguarding (all age) including looked after children: Carol Anderson
- Learning disability and autism (all-age): Carol Anderson, Nicci Briggs , Stacie Coburn
- Down syndrome (all-age): Carol Anderson
- Mental Health: Carol Anderson, Nicci Briggs, Stacie Coburn
These executive leads support the chief executive and the board to ensure that the ICB functions effectively, in relation to the groups above.
Our ICB constitution
Each NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) is required to have a constitution setting out its board membership and governance arrangements. As part of the order to establish ICBs on 1 July 2022 the ICB Constitution - NHS England Approved[pdf] 807KB has now been published.
Governance handbook
Supplementary governance documents to the constitution, for example details of the ICB’s committees, are included in our Governance Handbook[pdf] 9MB. It is a living document and will be updated as governance structures and processes are implemented, and new policies are reviewed and approved.
Contents include:
- an overview of the governance framework, including the composition of the ICB and its top-level committees
- roles and responsibilities of Board Members
- the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation [pdf] 553KB , which sets out those decisions that are reserved for the ICB and those decisions that have been delegated
- the functions and decisions map
- Standing Financial Instructions and Prime Financial Policies, setting out the arrangements for managing the ICB’s financial affairs
- terms of reference for the top-level committees
- the Standards of Business Conduct and Managing Conflicts of Interest Policy – which includes the arrangements the ICB has made for the management of conflicts of interest
- the Peoples and Communities Strategy
- the Petitions Scheme
- Standards for members of NHS Boards and CCG governing bodies (published by the Professional Standards Authority).
We are aware this document needs some remediation to make it fully accessible and this work is now underway. A fully accessible version will be published early in 2023. In the meantime if you need access to another format please get in touch using
Risk Management Policy
Another Key document for the organisation is the ICB Risk Management Policy [pdf] 777KB which sets out how risks to the organisation are identified, assessed, treated, and monitored as part of the corporate governance of the ICB.