Welcome to the Communication Hub! This is a hub of communication support to help link you to a variety of different places where you can get communication resources and information.  

ICB – localised communications toolkits   

On left hand of the page you will find series of localised toolkits on a range of topi cs including winter help, waiting well and mental health. When the ICB communications team creates new toolkits they will be added here. T hese toolkits provide you with content for: social media - your Facebook and Twitter accounts ; text to put on your website ; and articles for patient newsletters.


Local and n ational communications toolkits and resources

There are also a wide range of communications resources available via local and nation al organisation s that you easily access and download for free. Thes e i n clu de a range of different formats such as printers that’ll be delivered to you; digital assets for social media, websites and waiting room screens; and factsheets.  

Here you find G overnment health improvement campaigns and resources for key national campaigns such as stoppin g smoking, Pharmacy First, blood pressure checks, 111, cancer campaigns and more.

You'll find print resources, such as posters and leaflets, plus a variety of digital and social media assets and content in different sizes and formats . All are free to download or order.  


The Vaccinators | CPICS Website

Here you will fin d all the local information about vaccinations. This not only includes COVID-19 seasonal vaccination information but also information and resources on other vaccinations such as MMR and flu. There is a lso wide range of  Translated Materials | CPICS Website.  


Healthwatch Cambridgeshire develope d a Patient Participation Group toolkit - PPG toolkit is designed to help practices set up a PPG. It includes suggestions about recruiting members, how a PPG works, and activities that PPGs can get involved in to shape local services.  


The Self Care Forum have developed a series of fact sheets aim to help clinicians and service -users discuss issues around self car e within the practice/pharmacy setting and especially how to handle the symptoms in the future. They provide patients with information, what people can do to help themselves – now and in the future, when to seek medical help and where to find out more. F actsheets available on broad range of topics includin g backpain, heartburn, acne and winter illnesses.  


Keep in touch  

You can also keep up to date on ICS campaigns by following the ICS on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn at: 

  • follow @CambsPboroICS on Instagram  

Please do follow us and we’ll do the same back.  


Additional information  

Redmoor Health is a digital health partner which will create, manage and develop social media pages, including Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok and LinkedIn.