Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Voluntary Sector Network

New Voluntary Sector Network logo The Voluntary Sector Network is the new name for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Health Alliance which launched in July 2022.

It is responsible for developing and embedding ways in which grassroot charitable and non-profit organisations have a greater voice and influence in the Integrated Care System (ICS). It also provides direct access to ICS leadership and governance structures.

The Voluntary Sector Network sees its vision as developing a vibrant and thriving VCSE sector within the ICS; driving health and wellbeing in our communities in an inclusive and empowering way.

The key goals are described in the ICS VCSE strategy – ‘Working for a Better Future’. These are:

  • Support and enable a thriving VCSE sector to play its part.
  • Place the VCSE as an equal partner within the system.
  • Work to drive change, create a tangible impact on people and communities, and tackle health inequalities.
  • Build strong, inclusive, and empowering relationships throughout the partnership.

Further information including details on how to join the Voluntary Sector Network can be found on the Support Cambridgeshire website.