Estates Strategy
See how local health and care organisations across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough work together to meet challenges.
Estates Strategy
Local health and care organisations across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough are working together to meet the many challenges we face. While these challenges are not unique, our area’s rural nature, geographical and transport challenges, and ageing health and social care infrastructure sets us apart from many others, as does significant predicted population growth. It is only by placing our health and care demands in the context of our local geography, community needs and population health that the scale and complexity of the challenge we face can be truly understood.
This is why we have worked in partnership with NHS Property Services (NHSPS) to develop our first Estate Strategy for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS). This strategy is an important step in considering our current population needs and how the capacity, type and use of spaces will need to adapt to meet the current and future requirements of our population.
We know that our how we develop and use our estate is a key part of how we can deliver our strategic objectives. By getting our estate provision right, we can support our aspiration to enhance our integrated offer to people and communities, which in turn will improve the health and wellbeing of our local people.
Our strategy focuses on these key objectives:
Transforming Places and Spaces to deliver our Health and Wellbeing Integrated Care Strategy ambitions.
Making best use of the existing estate and making sound investments where capital is available.
Making the estate more efficient and releasing under-performing assets – both clinical and non-clinical – to reduce revenue costs and releasing capital for reinvestment.
Improving the quality of estate data to help us make insightful decisions on our shared estate both now and in the future.
We believe an efficient and effective estate is the foundation that supports us to create an environment that supports excellent patient care and is fit for our current and future workforce. Our strategy needs to be radical and capable of being delivered across a 5-10-year period, taking into consideration local, regional and national priorities.
To find out more about our first Estates Strategy, here you can read our summary version.