• NHS Talking Therapies are available to help tackle feelings of anxiety, loneliness and low mood.

  • If you haven’t been feeling yourself, don’t suffer in silence.

  • Sometimes a professional listening ear is all it takes.

  • We’re here to help tackle feelings of anxiety, loneliness and low mood.


Feel Brighter

Are you 65 or older and feel like life is less colourful than it used to be? If you haven’t been feeling yourself, don’t suffer in silence.

Recent statistics show that 9.3% of the region’s population aged over 65 struggle with a common mental health condition such as anxiety or depression.

We want our older population to enjoy life to the full, so if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health symptoms, do reach out.

We’re here to help tackle feelings of anxiety, loneliness and low mood. Sometimes a professional listening ear is all it takes.


What are NHS Talking Therapies?

NHS Talking Therapies are effective treatments that involve speaking with an experienced mental health professional to understand feelings and learn ways to manage them. They help with common challenges like anxiety, loneliness or low mood.

It’s easy to access free support, sessions are totally confidential and can be one-to-one, in a group, online, or over the phone.

Two out of three people said their lives were improved after NHS Talking Therapies. 

Talking to a professional can help you to understand what factors may be causing you to struggle and help you to learn ways to manage them. Sessions can be one-to-one, in a group, online, or over the phone

We’re here to help

Sometimes a professional listening ear is all it takes.

The best way to get NHS Talking Therapies is to self-refer by clicking on this link:NHS Talking Therapies in Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Or, call this number to make an initial referral: Tel 0300 300 0055.

Phone lines are available 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday (closed on Bank Holidays). One of the self-referral team will phone you back and talk through what best treatment options would suit your needs.

You can also visit your GP who can make a referral for you.

Please also see the drop down menu below for more advice and information about what other mental health support is available locally.

Signs to look out for

Here are some symptoms you may be struggling with that NHS Talking Therapies can help with.

  • Anxiety – you experience unease and can be restless or tense.
  • Low mood - losing interest in activities you once found pleasurable.
  • Loneliness – you have a feeling of lack or loss of friendship or companionship.
  • Nervousness - you may feel tenser, particularly in situations that weren’t troublesome before.
  • Fatigue – feeling of tiredness and being overwhelmed.
  • Social withdrawal – withdrawal from social activities such as going to the shops or meeting friends.
  • Hopelessness – feeling like you are stuck and don’t know how to get out of it.
  • Worry – you may be reluctant to talk about your feelings or ask for help.

Reach out to us and find out about local services and support available to help you feel brighter.

See below drop-down menus for more information and to access campaign materials and resources

More information about other local support and services available

Keep Your Head

Keep Your Head is a localy run website providing information on mental health and wellbeing support and local services available for all residents across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Visit the Keep Your Head website

CPSLMind (Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and South Lincolnshire Mind)

CPSLMind - A local mental health charity providing a range of services and support for people suffering with mental health problems and promoting positive mental health across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Visit the CPSLMind website


Age UK provides free information, advice and support on the issues that matter to older people.

Phone: 0800 678 1602

Visit the Age UK website

How Are You (H.A.Y.)

HAY is a local website that brings together information on activities and support available in your local community to help boost mental health and wellbeing.

Visit the HAY website


Lifecraft is a local charity offering Lifeline, a free confidential helpline that you can call anonymously to talk to a trained volunteer. 

Phone: 0808 808 2121 (Daily 11am - 11pm)

Visit the Lifecraft website

NHS 111 and select the mental health option. 

NHS 111 is here for people who are in a mental health crisis. If you're in a crisis and need help now, call 111 and select the mental health option - 24/7, any day of the year.


Other useful national resources include:

  • NHS Talking Therapies - National NHS page with information about what is NHS Talking Therapies
  • Every Mind Matters – advice and practical tips to help improve your wellbeing
  • Samaritans – support and someone to talk to
  • Anxiety UK – information and support for sufferers
  • It’s Good to Talk – details of counsellors and psychotherapists
  • Rethink – support for sufferers of severe mental illness and their carers
  • Sane – out of hours helpline providing support and information
  • Mind – information and materials on depression and manic depression

Communications / marketing materials for the Feel Brighter campaign

Here are links to the communication marketing materials that you will need to support the Feel Brighter Campaign.


Click the link below to download the toolkit for the campaign.  It includes short and long copy text for external and internal communications like newsletters and website text. It also includes a social media toolkit with suggested posts and social media assets. Other assets are also available below.

Feel-Brighter-Toolkit.docx[docx] 2MB

Poster, leaflet and digital screens

If you would like a copy of our poster, leaflet, or digital screens, please contact: cpicb.comms@nhs.net 

Social Media Assets

Click on this link to download the Feel Brighter campaign social media assets

Feel Brighter Social Media Assets.pptx [pptx] 5MB