Learning disability and easy read information

A vaccine is a medicine that helps your body fight diseases. Vaccines are very important. They can protect you and those around you from getting very ill.

Learning disability and easy read information

Flu and COVID-19 are different viruses. They spread from person to person.

If you catch flu or COVID-19, it can make you very poorly.

Having your vaccines will help you to stay healthy.

It is important to get your flu vaccine and your COVID-19 vaccine to stop you getting very poorly.

You can ask your GP surgery to do things to make your appointment easier for you. This is called a reasonable adjustment.

You can get the flu and COVID-19 vaccines for free if you are on the learning disability register.

Here is a video with information about vaccines for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

Flu vaccine

Why do I need the flu vaccine?

Every year in England lots of people get flu in winter. Flu is a virus that makes you feel ill.

Some people with a learning disability are more likely to be very ill if they get flu

The best way to avoid getting flu is to have a flu vaccine. This is an injection and it is free.

How to book my flu vaccine?

You can have your flu vaccine at your doctor's surgery. Or you can have your flu vaccine at a pharmacy if you are aged 18 years and over.  There are also local walk-clinics where you do not need an appointment.

You can bring someone who can support you, like a family member or your carer.

More information

There is an easy read guide to the flu vaccine which you might find helpful.

Here is a video all about having a flu vaccine.

COVID-19 vaccine

Why do I need the COVID-19 vaccine?

COVID-19 or coronavirus is a virus that makes you feel ill. 

People with a learning disability are also more likely to become poorly if they get COVID-19.

The vaccine will help your body fight COVID-19 without getting poorly.

Your GP should be able to tell you if you should get the COVID-19 vaccine. Some people may receive a letter, or a phone call to invite them for their vaccination.

How to book my COVID-19 vaccine?

You can have your COVID-19 vaccine at your doctor's surgery.  You can also book your COVID-19 vaccine online. There are also local walk-clinics where you do not need an appointment.

You can bring someone who can support you, like a family member or your carer.

More information

There is an easy read guide to the COVID-19 vaccine which you might find helpful.

Here is a video all about having a COVID-19 vaccine.