MIU extending opening hours | News and events


MIU extending opening hours

Dark blue background with the ICS heart logo, and green, pink and blue dots.

A spokesperson for NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust said:

“The Minor Injury Unit in Ely will operate extended opening hours up to and including Sunday 12 January, offering you the treatment and support you need from 8.30am-8pm daily.

“By extending the opening hours at the Minor Injury Unit in Ely we’re helping local people get the help they need, when they need it, whilst reducing pressure on other urgent and emergency care services including A&E departments.

“The Minor Injury Unit can help you with  a range of medical issues including minor scalds and burns, wounds, and minor head injuries. If you’re not sure whether the MIU is the right service for your needs, please contact NHS 111 for advice.”

Minor Injury Units can help with a range of issues, including wounds, minor scalds and burns, and minor head injuries. You can find out more about Minor Injury Units in Ely, Wisbech and Doddington, and the Urgent Treatment Centre in Peterborough, via www.cpics.org.uk/local-services

If you have an urgent, non-emergency medical issue and you're not sure what to do, please think NHS 111 first. Visit 111.nhs.uk for advice and support, or call 111, 24/7, any day of the year.

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