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Royston health & wellbeing

Free health and wellbeing event to be held in Royston
People in and around Royston are invited to come along to a free health and wellbeing event on 14 July, with health checks and vaccinations on offer alongside a wealth of advice and support.
Teams across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS), which covers the Royston area, have come together to organise the event at Royston Health Centre. As part of the event, eligible people who are invited by Roysia Surgery or Granta Medical Practices will be able to get free NHS health checks, to get a better understanding of their overall health.
Routine vaccinations, including the HPV, MMR, Meningitis ACWY and shingles vaccines, will also be on offer to eligible children and adults on a walk-in basis. There will be no need to book for a vaccination.
The event is one of several opportunities organised after local people told the ICS that they wanted more services like vaccination clinics to be offered in the area, as part of Let’s Talk: Royston, a recent engagement campaign that saw thousands of local people share their views. Staff from Roysia Surgery, Royston Health Centre, Hertfordshire Community Trust, Hertfordshire County Council’s public health team, and the Integrated Neighbourhood Team will all be on hand on the day to support local people.
Dr Gary Howsam, Chief Clinical Improvement Officer with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough and a GP, said:
“Whether you’re eligible for a free NHS health check, overdue a vaccination or simply want to get some advice about health and care, please come along to this exciting event. It’s promising to be a great day.
“I’d like to thank local GP practices, NHS Trusts, local authority public health teams, and other ICS teams for coming together in this way to offer a brilliant event for the community.”
Dr Tim Wright, GP Partner with Granta Medical Practices, added: “We are excited to be able to host this event in our ongoing programme to improve services in Royston.”
Anyone in or around Royston is welcome to come along to the health and wellbeing event on 14 July at Royston Health Centre, between 10am and 4pm. NHS Health Checks will be offered on an invitation-only basis to patients aged 40-74 who are registered with Granta Medical Practices or Roysia Surgery, and who meet the eligibility criteria. To find out more about eligibility, visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check/.
A vaccination team from Hertfordshire Community Trust will be offering the MMR vaccine to anyone aged 1+, the meningitis ACWY vaccine to those aged 13-24, and the HPV vaccine for children and young people aged 12-24. The shingles vaccine will be on offer for those people who turned 65 after 1 September 2023, people aged 70-79, and people aged 50 and over with a severely weakened immune system.