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Type 2 Diabetes 2024

Local expert offers advice as thousands in area diagnosed with Diabetes
A local diabetes expert has shared her advice to help people manage their risk of Type 2 Diabetes, as the country marks Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week.
Locally, around 52,000 people have Diabetes, with the majority of diagnoses being for Type 2. Whilst an individual’s risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes is affected in part by factors that cannot be changed, such as age and ethnicity, there are also many lifestyle factors that people can change to reduce their risk of developing the illness.
This includes eating well, maintaining a healthy weight, moving regularly, cutting down on alcohol and stopping smoking. Type 2 Diabetes can cause a number of complications including kidney disease, nerve damage, heart disease and stroke, so by taking positive steps to improve their lifestyle people can help avoid getting seriously unwell from Diabetes.
Dr Jessica Randall-Carrick, clinical lead for Diabetes with NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, said:
“This Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week we want to encourage everyone to do what they can to reduce their risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes. Through lifestyle changes such as eating a more balanced diet, moving more, and cutting down on alcohol, you can have a real positive impact on your risk level.
“We know that making changes like these can be easier said than done, so free support is available through the NHS to help you on your way. Please check your risk level this week and reach out to your GP practice or self-refer to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme if you’re at high risk of Type 2 Diabetes.”
People can find out what their risk of Type 2 Diabetes is, and self-refer to the National Diabetes Prevention Programme, for free via Diabetes UK’s Know Your Risk tool. This tool can be accessed via Diabetes UK – Know Your Risk of Type 2 diabetes. People who don’t use the internet can reach out to their GP practice to discuss their risk, as well as the support available to help them manage this.