Translated Materials
A series of translated resources about getting vaccinated in the UK.
Translated Materials
Find a series of translated resources related to getting vaccinated in the UK below.
All webpages can be translated in full using the Google 'Translate' function which appears at the tops of the page, just above the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care System logo.
Albanian | Shqip
- Programi i plotë i vaksinimit Nga shtatori 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Albanian
- Vaksinimi kundër gripit - Kush duhet ta bëjë dhe pse? | Main winter flu - who needs it and why — Albanian
- Shtatzënë? Imunizimi ju ndihmon për t’ju mbrojtur ju dhe foshnjën tuaj nga sëmundjet infektive | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Albanian
- Të transferuar në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar: Përditësoni vaksinat tuaja | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Albanian
- Si ta mbroni foshnjën tuaj nga RSV: Një udhëzues për vaksinën e virusit sincicial të frymëmarrjes (RSV) për gratë shtatzëna | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Albanian
- Udhëzuesi juaj për vaksinën RSV për të rriturit e moshuar | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Albanian
Arabic | اللغة العربية
- جدول التحص الدوري الكامل | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Arabic
- التطعيم ضد اإلنفلوانزا | Flu vaccination leaflet winter — Arabic
- ما يمكن توقعه بعد التطعيم ضد مرض كوفيد-19 | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster — Arabic
- كيفية البقاء آمنًا في حالة تفشي مرض الحصبة | How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — Arabic
- كيفية الوقاية من الحصبة عند الأطفال | Measles - Don't let your child catch it — Arabic
- حامل؟ التطعيم يساعد عىل أمراض المعدية ِ حمايتك ِ وحماية طفلك من | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Arabic
- إذا انتقلت إىل المملكة المتحدة: احصل عىل أحدث التطعيمات الخاصة بك | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Arabic
- RSV دليل لقاح الفري ي وس التنفيس المخلوي للنساء الحوامل :RSV كيف تحمن رضيعك من الفريوس التنفيس المخلوي | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Arabic
- (RSV) دليلك للقاح ر الفريوس المخلوي التنفي لكبار السن: كيف تحمي نفسك بتلقي لقاح الفري ي وس المخلوي التنفي | A guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults: How to protect yourself by receiving the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine — Arabic
Bengali (with Sylheti and Chatgaya) | বাংলা
- িয়মিত টিকাদানের পরিপর্ূ্ণসচ সেপ্টেম্বর 2023 থেকে |Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Bengali
- ্লু টিকাকরণ | Winter Flu - Who needs it and why — Bengali
- কী আশা করা যেতে পারে | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster — Bengali
- এম এম আর | MMR for all leaflet — Bengali
- হাম - আপনার শিশুকে এটি ধরতে দেবেন না | Measles - Don't let your child catch it — Bengali
- গর্ভবতী? টিকা আপনাকে ও আপনার শিশুকে সংক্রামক রোোগ থেকে সরক্ু ষা দেয় | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Bengali
- যুক্তরাজ্যে স্ানান্তররত: সময়মত রিকা রনন | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Bengali
- আপনাার শিশুকে RSV থেকে কীীভাাবে রক্ষাা করবেন: গর্ভভবতীী মহিলাাদের জন্যয রেসপিরেটরি সি ঙ্কসি টি য়াাল ভাাইরাাস (RSV) সংংক্রাান্ত নির্দেশিকাা | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Bengali
- প্রাাপ্তবয়স্কদের জন্যয RSV ভ্যাাকসিন সংংশ্লিষ নির্দে শনাা | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Bengali
British Sign Language (BSL)
- Measles – Don’t let your child catch it (BSL video)
- What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination (BSL video)
- COVID-19 vaccination guide: children and young people or parents (BSL video)
- What to expect after your child’s COVID-19 vaccination – guide for parents of children 5 to 11 years of age (BSL video)
- A guide for parents of children aged 5 to 11 years (BSL video)
- COVID-19 vaccination: women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (BSL video)
- COVID-19 vaccination: for people with a weakened immune system (BSL video)
- Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby (BSL video)
- How to protect your baby from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women (BSL video)
- Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults (BSL video)
Bulgarian | български
- Пълна схема за рутинна имунизация От септември 2023 г. | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Bulgarian
- Противогрипна ваксинация - Кой трябва да се ваксинира и защо | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Bulgarian
- Какво да очаквате след Вашата ваксинация срещу COVID-19 | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster — Bulgarian
- Вие сте бременна? Имунизацията помага да предпазите Вас и Вашето бебе от инфекциозни заболявания | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Bulgarian
- Как да предпазите бебето си от Респираторен синцитиален вирус (RSV): Ръководство за ваксина на бременни жени срещу респираторен синцитиален вирус (RSV) | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Bulgarian
- Вашето ръководство за ваксината RSV за възрастни хора | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Bulgarian
Chinese | 中文
- 完整的常规免疫接种计划 2023年9月起 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 - Chinese simplified
- 完整的常規免疫接種計劃 2023年9月起 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 - Chinese traditional
- 流感疫苗 谁应该接种以及接种原因 | Winter flu - who needs it and why - Chinese (simplified)
- 流感疫苗接種 誰應該接種它以及為什麼 | Winter flu - who needs it and why - Chinese (traditional)
- 接种新冠 (COVID-19)疫苗 之后的反应 | What to expect after your COVID-19 vaccination Spring 2023 - Chinese (simplified)
- 在您接種完 COVID-19疫苗後 | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster - Chinese (traditional)
- 怀孕了? 接种疫苗有助于保 护您和宝宝预防传 染病 | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby - Chinese (simplified)
- 懷孕了?免疫 接種 有助於 保護您和您的嬰兒 免受傳染病的侵害 | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby - Chinese (traditional)
- 移居到英国:及时接种 疫苗 | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations - Chinese (simplified)
- 移居至英國:及時了解您的 疫苗接種情況 | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations - Chinese (traditional)
- 如何保护您的宝宝免 受RSV的感染: 孕妇呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 疫苗指南 | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Chinese (simplified)
- 如何保護您的寶寶免受RSV的感染: 孕婦呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 疫苗指南 | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Chinese (traditional)
- 年长者RSV疫苗 的指南 | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Chinese (simplified)
- 年長者RSV疫苗指南 | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Chinese (traditional)
Easy Read
- A guide to your COVID-19 vaccination leaflet | Easy read guide
- COVID-19 booster vaccinations for people with learning disabilities | Youtube video
- C19 vaccination for women who might get pregnant, who are pregnant, or are breastfeeding their baby | Easy read guide
- Protect yourself from flu, have the flu vaccine | Easy read guide
- The flu jab for people with learning disabilities | Youtube video
- Book your Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccines | Easy read guide
- Measles – Don’t let your child catch it | Easy read guide
- Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — English
- Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — English
- COVID 19 - What to expect 2023 — English
- Maternal: Have you had your MMR vaccines — English
- How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — English
- Think Measles: Patient leaflet for young people — English
- Measles: Don't let your child catch it — English
- Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — English
- How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — English
- Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — English
Estonian | Eesti
- Täielik tavapärane immuniseerimiskava: Alates septembrist 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Estonian
- Ootate beebit? Vaktsineerimine aitab kaitsta teid ja teie beebit nakkushaiguste eest | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Estonian
- Gripivaktsiin: Kes seda peaks saama ja miks | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Estonian
- Kuidas kaitsta oma imikut RSV-viiruse eest: Juhend respiratoorse süntsütiaalviiruse (RSV) vaktsiini kohta rasedatele naistele | How to protect your baby from the RSV virus: Instructions on respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Estonian
- Teie juhend vanemate täiskasvanute vaktsiini RSV kohta | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Estonian
Farsi | فارسی
- جدول التحص الدوري الكامل | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Farsi
- واکسیناسیون در مقابل آنفلوانزا | Flu vaccination leaflet winter — Farsi
- برای بزرگسالان واکسیناسیون COVID-19 | COVID-19 vaccination guide for adults — Farsi
- سرخک ی افزایش واگ ی | How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — Farsi
- باردار هستید؟ یمن سازی به محافظت از شما و نوزادتان در برابر بیماری های عفو کمک می کند | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Farsi
- به کشور بریتانیا نقل مکان کرده اید: وضعیتواکسیناسیون خود را به روز رسانی کنید | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Farsi
- :محافظت کنید: راهنمای واکسن ویروس سنسیتیال تنفیبرای زنان باردار RSV چگونه از کودک خود در برابر | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Farsi
- ویژه سالخوردگان RSV راهنمای واکسن | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Farsi
French | Français
- Calendrier complet des vaccinations systématiques: À partir de septembre 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — French
- La vaccination contre la grippe - Qui doit se faire vacciner, et pourquoi | Main winter flu - who needs it and why — French
- Enceinte? La vaccination permet de vous protéger, vous et votre bébé, contre les maladies infectieuses | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — French
- Comment protéger votre bébé du VRS: Guide du vaccin contre le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) pour les femmes enceintes | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — French
- Votre guide du vaccin contre le VRS pour les personnes âgées | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — French
Greek | Ελληνικά
- Το πλήρες πρόγραμμα τακτικού εμβολιασμού: Από Σεπτέμβριο 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Greek
- Ο εμβολιασμός κατά της γρίπης: Ποιος πρέπει να τον κάνει και γιατί | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Greek
- Έγκυος; Ο εμβολιασμός συμβάλλει στην προστασία τη δική σας και του μωρού σας από λοιμώδεις νόσους | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Greek
- Πώς να προστατέψετε το μωρό σας από τον RSV: Οδηγός για το εμβόλιο κατά του αναπνευστικού συγκυτιακού ιού (RSV) για έγκυες γυναίκες | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Greek
- Ο οδηγός σας για το εμβόλιο κατά του RSV για ενήλικες μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Greek
Gujarati | ગુજરાતી
- સંપૂર્ ણરૂટીન રસીકરણ સમયપત્રક | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Gujarati
- ફલૂ રસીકરણ તે કોને લેવુ જોઈએ અને શા માટ | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Gujarati
- તમારે શું અપેક્ષા રાખવી COVID-19 રસીકરણ પછી | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster — Gujarati
- શુ સગર્્ભભા છો? રોગ-પ્રતિરક્ષણ કે ઈમ્્યયૂનાઈઝેશન તમને અને તમારા બાળકને કોઈ એવા ચેપી રોગોમાથી રક્ષણ આપવામાંમદદરૂપ રહે છે | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Gujarati
- તમારા બાળક કેે શિશુુન કેેવી રીતે RSV થી રક્ષણ કરવું: સગર્ભાા સ્ત્રીીઓ માાટેે રેેસ્પિરેેટ સિન્સિશલ વાાઈરસ (RSV) રસીી માટેેની માર્ગગદર્શિકા | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Gujarati
- વૃૃદ્ધ વયસ્કોો માાટેે RSV રસીી માાટેેનીી તમાારીી માાર્ગદર્શિકા | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Gujarati
Hindi | हिंदी
- सम््पपूर््ण नियमित टीकाकरण कार््यक्रम | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Hindi
- फ्लू का टीकाकरण - यह किसे करवाना चाहिए और क््योो | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Hindi
- गर्भवती? ीकाकरण आपको और आपके बच् को संक् चे रामक रोगों से रक्षा करने मेें मदद करता ह | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Hindi
- अपनेे बच्चेे कोो RSV स कैै सेे बचााए: गर्भभवतीी महिलााओंंकेे लिए रेेस्पिरेेटरीी सिं कांइटि यल वाायरस (RSV) वैैक्सीन काा एक गााइड — How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Hindi
- वृृद्ध वयस्कोंं केे RSV वैैक्सीीन केे लिए आपकीी मार्गदर्शिका | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Hindi
Hungarian | Magyar
Italian | Italiano
- Piano vaccinale standard completo: Da settembre 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Italian
- Vaccino antinfluenzale - Chi dovrebbe farselo e perché | Winter Flu - who needs it and why — Italian
- Cosa aspettarsi dopo la vaccinazione contro il COVID-19 | What to expect after your Covid-19 booster — Italian
- Measles - Proteggete vostro figlio dal morbillo – scegliete il vaccino MPR | Measles - Don't let your child catch it — Italian
- Come proteggere il tuo bimbo dal virus VRS: Una guida alla vaccinazione contro il Virus Respiratorio Sinciziale (VRS) per le donne in gravidanza | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Italian
- Guida al vaccino anti-VRS per gli anziani | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Italian
Kurdish | Kurdî
Latvian | Latviski
- Pilns standarta imunizācijas plāns: Sākot ar 2023. gada septembri | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Latvian
- Ko gaidīt pēc vakcinācijas pret COVID-19 | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Latvian
- Vakcinācija pret gripu - Kam vajadzētu vakcinēties un kāpēc | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Latvian
- Esat stāvoklī? Vakcinācija palīdz aizsargāt jūs un jūsu mazuli no infekcijas slimībām | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Latvian
- Kā pasargāt savu mazuli no RSV? Ceļvedis grūtniecēm par respiratori sincitiālā vīrusa (RSV) vakcīnu | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to repiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Latvian
- Jūsu ceļvedis par RSV vakcīnu senioriem | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Latvian
Lithuanian | Lietuvis
- Visa įprastinių skiepų programa: Nuo 2023 m. rugsėjo mėn. | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Lithuanian
- Ko tikėtis po COVID-19 skiepo | What to expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Lithuanian
- Skiepai nuo gripo - Kas turėtų pasiskiepyti ir kodėl? | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Lithuanian
- Measles Neleiskite vaikui susirgti | Measles – don’t let your child catch it — Lithuanian
- Esate nėščia? Skiepai padeda apsaugoti jus ir jūsų kūdikį nuo infekcinių ligų Z Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Lithuanian
- Kaip apsaugoti kūdikį nuo RSV? Informacinis vadovas apie respiracinio sincitinio viruso (RSV) vakciną nėščiosioms | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Lithuanian
- Jūsų vadovas apie RSV vakciną vyresnio amžiaus žmonėms | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Lithuanian
Pashto | پشتو
- د ورځنیو یا معمويل واکسینو بشپړ مهالوېش | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Pashto
- ستاسو د کوویډ - 19 واکسین کولو وروسته څه تمه وکړئ | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Pashto
- ې څوک باید ولګوي او وېل د فلو واکسیناسیون | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Pashto
- خسرہ کی وباء میں محفوظ رہنے کا طریقہ | How to stay safe - Measles outbreak — Pashto
- حامله یاست؟ واکسین کول تاسو او ستاسو ماشوم د ساري ناروغیو په ساتنه کې مرسته کوي | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Pashto
- برتانیې ته راغلی یې: خپل واکسینیشن بیا تازه کړه | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Pashto
- واکسین په اړه الرښود RSV ناروغۍ خوندي وساتو د مېندواره ښځو لپاره د RSV څنګه کولی شو خپل ماشوم له | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Pashto
- واکسین په اړه ستاسو الرښود RSV د لویانو لپاره د | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Pashto
Polish | Polski
- Całkowita lista rutynowych szczepień ochronnych: Od września 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Polish
- Czego należy się spodziewać po szczepieniu przeciwko COVID-19? | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Polish
- Szczepienie przeciwko grypie - Kto powinien się zaszczepić i dlaczego? | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Polish
- Odra się rozprzestrzenia | Measles: how to stay safe — Polish
- MMR: odra Świnka różyczka szczepienie | MMR for all — Polish
- Measles - Ochroń swoje dziecko przed zarażeniem się | Measles – don’t let your child catch it — Polish
- Jesteś w ciąży? Szczepienia pomagają chronić Ciebie i Twoje dziecko przed chorobami zakaźnymi | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Polish
- Jak ochronić dziecko przed wirusem RSV: Przewodnik o szczepionce przeciwko syncytialnemu wirusowi oddechowemu (RSV) dla kobiet w ciąży | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Polish
- Przewodnik o szczepionce przeciwko wirusowi RSV dla osób starszych | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Polish
Portuguese | Português
- O programa completo de imunizações de rotina: A partir de setembro de 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Portuguese
- Vacina da gripe - Quem a deve receber e porquê | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Portuguese
- Measles. Proteja os seus filhos contra o sarampo | Measles – Don’t let your child catch it — Portuguese
- Está grávida? A imunização ajuda a protegê-la a si e ao bebé de doenças infeciosas | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Portuguese
- Mudou-se para o Reino Unido: Tenha as suas vacinas em dia | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Portuguese
- Como proteger o seu bebé do VSR: Um guia sobre a vacina do Vírus Sincicial Respiratório (VSR) para as grávidas | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Portuguese
- O seu guia para a vacina contra o VSRpara adultos mais velhos | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Portuguese
Panjabi | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ
- ਪੂ ਰੀ ਰੁ ਟੀਨ ਟੀਕਾਕਰਨ ਸਮਾ-ਸਾਰਣੀ ਸਤੰਬਰ 2023 ਤੋ | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Panjabi
- ਆਪਣੇ COVID-19 ਟੀਕਾਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਕੀ ਉਮੀਦ ਕਰਨੀ ਹ | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Panjabi
- ਫਲੂ ਦਾ ਟੀਕਾਕਰਨ - ਇਹ ਕਿਸ ਨੂੰ ਅਤੇ ਕਿਉ ਲਗਵਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Panjabi
- ਗਰਭਵਤੀ ਹੋ? ਟੀਕਾਕਰਨ ਤੁ ਹਾਨੂੰ ਅਤੇ ਤੁ ਹਾਡੇ ਬੱਚੇ ਨੂੰ ਲਾਗ ਵਾਲੀਆਂ ਬਿਮਾਰੀਆਂ ਤੋਂ ਸੁ ਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਹੋਣ ਵਿਚ ਮਦਦ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ? | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Panjabi
- ਯੂਕੇਵਿੱਚ ਰਵਿਣ ਲਈ ਆ ਗਏ ਿੋ: ਿੁਣ ਤੱਕ ਦੇਆਪਣੇ ਸਾਰੇਟੀਕੇਲਗਿਾਓ | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Panjabi
- ਆਪਣੇੇ ਬੱੱ ਚੇੇ ਨੂੰ RSV ਤੋਂਂ ਕਿਵੇਂਂ ਬਚਾਾਇਆ ਜਾਾਵੇ: ਗਰਭਵਤੀ ਔਰਤਾਂਂ ਲਈ ਰੈੈਸਪੀਰੇੇਟਰੀ ਸਿੰੰਸੀਟੀਅਲ ਵਾਇਰਸ (RSV) ਵੈੈਕਸੀਨ ਸੰੰਬੰੰਧੀ ਇੱੱਕ ਗਾਈਡ | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Panjabi
- ਬਜ਼ੁੁ ਰਗ ਬਾਾਲਗਾਂਂ ਲਈ RSV ਵੈੈ ਕਸੀਨ ਲਈ ਤੁੁ ਹਾਡੀ ਗਾਈਡ | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Panjabi
Romany | Řomani ćhib
- E kompletno rutinali imunizacijaki programa: Katar o septembro 2023-to berś | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 - Romany | Health publications
- E gripaki vaksinacija - Kon trubul te kerel la peske thaj soske | winter flu - who needs it and why - Romany | Health publications
- Measles. Ma muk to čhavo te astarel ola | Measles – don’t let your child catch it - Romany | Health publications
- Khamni? E imunizacija dumodel (źutisarel, pomoźinel) te garavel (protektil) tut thaj kire bebe andar e infekciozne nasvalimata | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby - Romany | Health publications
- Meśkipe ando Kidindo Thagaripe (UK): Av informirime (aktualno) vaś kire vaksine | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations - Romany | Health publications
- Sar te garaves (protektisares, zaśtisares) kire bebe katar o RSV: Ekh informativno buletino andar e Respiratorno Sincitialno Visursoski (RVS) vaksina e khamne (phare) źuvljange | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Romany
- Tiro gido pal-o vakcino mamuj o SPV anda e phure manuśa | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Romany
Romanian | Română
- Programul complet de imunizare de rutină: Din septembrie 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Romanian
- Ghid pentru vaccinarea împotriva COVID-19 | Easy read: Guide to the covid-19 vaccination — Romanian
- Vaccinarea antigripală - Cine trebuie să o efectueze și de ce | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Romanian
- Pojar vaccinarea impotriva Oreionului și a rubeolei | MMR for all leaflet — Romanian
- RUJEOLA cum să vă protejați | How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — Romanian
- Measles. Nu vă lăsați copilul să se îmbolnăvească | Measles – don’t let your child catch it -—Romanian
- Sunteți însărcinată? Vaccinarea vă protejează pe dumneavoastră și pe bebeluș de bolile infecțioase | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Romanian
- V-ați mutat în Regatul Unit: Să aveți toate vaccinările la zi | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Romanian
- Cum să vă protejați copilul de RSV: Un ghid pentru vaccinul împotriva virusului respirator sincițial (RSV) pentru femeile însărcinate | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Romanian
- Ghidul dumneavoastră. privind vaccinul VRS pentru adulți vârstnici | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Romanian
Russian | русский
- чего следует ожидать после вакцинации от Covid-19 | What to expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Russian
- Вакцина от гриппа - Кому следует сделать ее и почему | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Russian
- Вы беременны? Иммунизация поможет защитить вас и вашего ребенка от инфекционных заболеваний | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Russian
- Переехали в Великобританию: Будьте в курсе своих прививок | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Russian
- Как защитить вашего ребенка от РСВ: Руководство по вакцинации от респираторно-синцитиального вируса (РСВ) для беременных женщин | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Russian
- Руководство по вакцинации от РСВ для людей преклонного возраста | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Russian
Somali | Somaliyeed
- Jadwalka dhammaystiran ee tallaallada joogtada ah: Laga bilaabo Sebtembar 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Somali
- Uur ma leedahay? Tallaalku wuxuu gacan ka geysanayaa inuu idinka ilaaliyo adiga iyo ilmahaaga cudurrada faafa | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Somali
- Tallaalka ifilada: Yay tahay inuu qaato iyo sababta | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Somali
- Jadeeco, qaamo-qashiirta iyo rubella iyo tallaalka MMR | MMR for all: general leaflet — Somali
- Waxaan u soo guurey UK: La soco tallaaladaada | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Somali
- Sida ilmahaaga looga ilaaliyo RSV: Hagaha tallaalka Fayraska Ku Dhaca Habdhiska Neefsashada (RSV) ee loogu talagalay haweenka uurka leh | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Somali
- Hagahaaga tallaalka RSV ee loogu talagalay dadka waaweyn | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Somali
Spanish | Español
- El calendario completo de vacunación rutinaria: A partir de septiembre de 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Spanish
- Qué esperar después de tu vacuna contra la COVID-19 | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Spanish
- Vacunación contra la gripe - Quién debería vacunarse y por qué | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Spanish
- Sarampion está circulando - cómo mantenerse seguro | How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — Spanish
- Measles: No deje que su hijo o hija se contagien: vacúnelos con la vacuna MMR (vacuna triple vírica) - Measles – Don’t let your child catch it - Spanish | Health publications
- ¿Embarazada? La inmunización ayuda a protegerle a usted y a su bebé de las enfermedades infecciosas | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Spanish
- Traslado al Reino Unido: Póngase al día con sus vacunas | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Spanish
- Cómo proteger a tu bebé del VSR: Guía de la vacuna contra el virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR) para mujeres embarazadas | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) for pregnant women — Spanish
- Su guía sobre la vacuna contra el VRS para personas mayores | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Spanish
Tagalog | Pilipino
- Ang kumpletong iskedyul ng rutinang pagbabakuna: Mula Setyembre 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Tagalog
- Pagbabakuna laban sa trangkaso - Sino ang dapat magpabakuna nito at bakit | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Tagalog
- Buntis? Natutulungan ka ng pagbabakuna na maprotektahan ka at ang iyong sanggol mula sa mga nakakahawang sakit | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Tagalog
- Paano protektahan ang iyong sanggol mula sa RSV: Isang gabay sa bakuna laban sa Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) para sa mga buntis | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Tagalog
- Ang iyong gabay sa bakuna laban sa RSV para sa matatanda | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Tagalog
Turkish | Türkçe
- Tam rutin aşılama programı: Eylül 2023'ten itibare | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Turkish
- COVID-19 aşınızı olduktan sonra ne beklemelisiniz | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Turkish
- Grip aşısı - Kimler, neden grip aşısı olmalı? | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Turkish
- Hamile misiniz? Aşı, sizi ve bebeğinizi bulaşıcı hastalıklardan korumaya yardımcı olur | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby —Turkish
- Birleşik Krallık'a taşınanlar için: Gerekli aşılarınızı yaptırın | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Turkish
- Bebeğinizi RSV'den nasıl korursunuz? Hamile kadınlar için Solunum Sinsityal Virüs (RSV) Aşısı rehberi | How to protect your child from RSV? A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Turkish
- İleri yaştaki yetişkinler için RSV aşısı | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Turkish
Twi or Akan
- Imunasehyin nyinaa ho nhyehyɛeɛ: Ɛfiri ɛbɔ 2023 | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Twi
- Nyinsɛn? Paneɛwɔ yi boa bɔ wo ne wo ba no ho ban firi nsane yareɛ ho | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Twi
- Papu aduro no: Hwan na ɛsɛ sɛ ne nsa ɛka bi na adɛn ti a | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Twi
- Sɛdeɛ wobɛbɔ wo ba ho ban afiri RSV ho: Akwan a ɛfa Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) aduro ɛma mmaa apemfoɔ | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Twi
- W’kwankyerɛ ɛma RSV aduro ɛma mpanimfoɔ | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Twi
Ukrainian | українська
- Повний календар планових профілактичних щеплень З вересня 2023 р. | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Ukranian
- Чого чекати після вакцинації проти COVID-19 | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination — Ukranian
- Вакцинація проти грипу - Хто повинен її пройти і чому | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Ukranian
- Листівка про щеплення MMR | MMR for all — Ukranian
- Наразі поширюється кір | How to stay safe - Measles Outbreak — Ukranian
- Вакцина MMR для дітей | Measles – Don’t let your child catch it — Ukranian
- Ви вагітні? Імунізація допомагає захистити вас і вашу дитину від інфекційних хвороб | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Ukranian
- Ви переїхали до Великобританії: Зробіть необхідні щеплення | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations — Ukranian
- Як захистити вашу дитину від РСВ: Посібник з вакцинації проти Респіраторно-синцитіального вірусу (РСВ) для вагітних жінок | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Ukranian
- Ваш посібник щодо вакцини проти респіраторно-синцитіального вірусу РСВ для літніх людей | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Ukranian
Urdu | اردو
- CoVID-19 ویکسینیشن کے بعد آپ کو کیا امید رکھنی چاہیے۔ | What to Expect after your Covid-19 Vaccination - Urdu | Health publications
- فلو ویکسینیشن | Winter flu - who needs it and why - Urdu | Health publications
- خسرہ - اپنے بچے کو اسے پکڑنے نہ دیں۔ | Measles – don’t let your child catch it - Urdu | Health publications
- حاملہ؟ امیونائزیشن آپ کو اور آپ کے بچے کو متعدی بیماریوں سے بچانے میں مدد کرتی ہے۔ | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby - Urdu | Health publications
- آپ یوکے )UK )منتقل ہوئے ہیں : اپنے ویکسین اپ ٹو ڈیٹ کریں | Moved to the UK: Get up-to-date with your vaccinations - Urdu | Health publications
- ویکسینیشن مہم ےک لے ایک رہنما دستاویز COVID-19 موسِم بہار 2024 ک | A guide to the Spring 2024 COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign - Urdu | Health publications
Yiddish | ייִדיש
- דער פולקאמער געווענליכער אימוניזאציע סקעדזשּול | Complete Routine Immunisations Schedule from 2023 — Yiddish
- טראגעדיג? אימוניזאציע העלפט באשיצן אייך און אייער קינד פון אנגשטעקיגע קרענק | Vaccines in Pregnancy: how to help protect you and your baby — Yiddish
- די פלּו וואקסינאציע - ווער זאל עס באקומען און פארוואס | Winter flu - who needs it and why — Yiddish
- אקצין פאר טרָאגעדיגע פרויען Syncytial Virus (RSV) Respiratory א מדריך פאר די :RSV וויאזוי צו באשיצן אייער בעיבי פון | How to protect your child from RSV: A guide to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine for pregnant women — Yiddish
- ווַאַקצין פאר עלטערע דערוואקסענער RSV אייער מדריך צום | Your guide to the RSV vaccine for older adults — Yiddish
Yoruba | Yorùbá