What can I do online?


Many bits of your maternity journey can now be done online. 

Accessing your notes online

Online maternity notes with K2 at Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital. 

My pregnancy notes  used at Peterborough City Hospital and Hinchingbrooke Hospital.




Online maternity notes with MyChart at The Rosie.




Maternity exemption certificate

If you’re pregnant or have given birth in the last 12 months, you are entitled to the following with a maternity exemption certificate :

  • free NHS dental treatment
  • free NHS prescriptions, if you have a valid maternity exemption certificate

If you can afford to pay for your own prescriptions then you should continue to do so.


Personalised Care and Support Plan (PCSP)

Personal Care and Support Plans (PCSPs) help you to explore, understand and record your individual choices for pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. Every woman and family is different, with individual needs, which have an influence on care and preferences. Decisions regarding care should be made in partnership with your maternity team and those close to you (such as family and friends). PCSPs can adapt as your pregnancy progresses if needed. 

Speak to your midwife about your digital Personalised Care and Support Plan.


Self-referral - referring yourself to the hospital where you want to give birth

There are three main hospitals in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough where you can give birth. You can choose to have your baby at home or at any hospital. 


Maternity Action - Health Inequalities Work

Maternity Rights Advice Service delivers advice on employment and social security to all parents, including health and safety at work, time off for antenatal appointments, maternity leave and pay, redundancy and benefits.  Their primary objective is to support women to retain their jobs during their childbearing years, if that is what they want to do.  The Maternity Care Access Advice Service provides advice on access to maternity care and charging for maternity care to migrant and asylum seeking women, many of whom are destitute or on very low incomes.  The Migrant Women's Rights Service provides training and advice to midwives and frontline charity workers supporting migrant and asylum seeking women with income, housing and access to healthcare.  They directly advise over 3,000 women annually and the online information is viewed over 1.6 million times each year.  Their advice services are fully accredited and delivered by their in-house lawyers and advisers.


Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System (ICS) have launched DadPad, a free and easy to use app which can help local fathers with guidance on how to develop the mindset, confidence and practical skills needed to meet their babies’ physical and emotional needs.

A baby is being held in tattooed arms. Text reads Introducing the DadPad. The DadPad was created because babies don't come with a set of instructions.


The app is available to all dads and dads-to-be within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and can be downloaded for free, from the App Store and Google Play. Dadpad is also available in hardcopy booklet versions, which will shortly be available to support those who do not have access to DadPad digitally and will cover the main topics contained with the DadPad app. To download the DadPad app visit https://thedadpad.co.uk/app/  
