Faith Research

After receiving funding from the Integrated Care System (ICS), Support Cambridgeshire, led by Hunts Forum, has conducted research into the faith community's role within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, looking at how big they are, what they are doing within our communities and how we as infrastructure bodies can support them.
This work was bid for, and 'Evaluated Excellence' and 'Gethyn William's non-profit Development' both received funding to carry out this two-phase research project.
Phase one involved compiling the primary research, contacting organisations, and compiling a database, which was then used in phase two to make contact and listen to what the faith sector had to say.
This was the first time the faith sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough was approached to look at a bird's eye view of how it works and what it is doing. Therefore, not all faith organisations took part, and it is acknowledged that this is only the first part of an ongoing conversation with the sector.
'Faith, Hope and the Chairty Sector’ report which your find below, was then written, which looked at the faith sector in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, along with how they wanted to engage and collaborate with stakeholders and some insights learned along the way.
The report is interesting as it aims to establish how the statutory, voluntary, and faith sectors can, where appropriate, work closer and align the activities they already offer and want to offer. Following this work, further discussions are being held to develop more research around the non-Christian-based/ world faiths in our communities.
If you are interested in being involved in this research
Here you can read the full report Faith Hope and the Charity Sector 07-05-24.