Improving Population Health
We want to work with our local communities and people to improve their health and wellbeing throughout their lives.
Proactively working to improve people’s health and wellbeing with a focus on preventing ill health, prolonging life expectancy and promoting healthy behaviours is known as population health management.
Improving outcomes in population health through strong population health management is one of our key aims as an ICS. Population health management is about preventing ill health, prolonging life expectancy and promoting healthy behaviours.
Across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, a number of population health management programmes already exist. Examples include the Diabetes Prevention Programme and stop-smoking support services, as well as free or subsidised exercise classes.
As an Integrated Care System (ICS), we have an excellent opportunity to bring together our approach to population health as a collective partnership, working together to improve the health of our whole population.
To this end, ICS teams are working to develop a whole-system population health management strategy which will establish a shared vision and common framework (shared approach) that will be agreed and supported by all partner organisations.
This strategy will be used throughout the work of the ICS to improve our population’s health and wellbeing, helping people stay well and supporting those people who are not in good health to stay as well as they can.